Saturday, December 6, 2008

Christmas Here We Come.....

November was a busy month. I was getting used to a new work schedule, and Steve was SO exhausted from going through another fire academy! It made the month fly by! For Thanksgiving, we went to Steve's parents house and had a great day of food and naps! I'm not one of the crazy's that is willing to get up early and go shopping on Black Friday...I need my sleep. Instead my wonderful husband, who didn't think that we should put our tree up so early, decided to make me so happy and take me to pick out our tree.

Growing up in small town Indiana had it's perks around Christmas time. Every year we would drive for 5 minutes to the next town over and go to this Christmas Tree farm. They had a pony that we could ride and a tractor that would take us on a hayride to go pick out and cut down our own tree for only $10! That is a little harder to do here, but the tree we did get is really nice. I just love the way a real tree makes your house smell! We brought it home and immediately got out the tree stand and started decorating. This is the finished result.........

I bought most of these decorations the winter that Steve and I were married (3 years on the 16th of this month!). I figured that if I didn't buy most of my Christmas decorations then, it would be harder in the future. If you can't tell, the ribbon and the tree skirt match! My favorite new addition to the tree is a picture of my mom when she was 3 and my uncle when he was 2 sitting on Santa's lap. Mom and dad are coming out for Christmas this year, and I can't wait! I miss them so much! There is nothing that can compare to having your family here for the holidays!


: ) Paula said...

What a fun childhood memory, the tree farm, pony ride, and $10 for a tree? Decorating the tree is always a wonderful start to the holiday season! Our tree is up too, but only the top half is decorated (thanks to your niece, the ornament theif).

Good to hear you're staying busy and happy. Enjoy the visit from your parents and your upcoming wedding anniversary--congrats! We miss you guys!

Logan said...

The tree looks gorgeous! I have all of our decorations out, but haven't put any of them up yet (it's been a crazy couple of weeks). Can you believe I've never had a real tree in my whole life? Sad, I know. I'll have to come and smell your house, maybe it will convince me to get a real one someday. :o)

Rebecca said...

Your Christmas tree was beautiful. And now I am going to say it again.
When are you and Steve ever going to come hang out at Karen's???